2023 China (Nanjing) International Mineral, Gem and Fossil Expo丨Latest information express!

Release time:2023-03-23 Number of hits:261


Exhibition Introduction and Highlights

Economically strong province with a trillion-dollar market

In 2022, the total GDP of Jiangsu Province will be 12.29 trillion, ranking second in the country! As the capital of the province, Nanjing is constantly improving its primacy, and its per capita consumption level ranks among the top in the China.

Historic city with profound heritage

Nanjing is also known as "Stone City". As the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, Nanjing has a long history. Today, there are many colleges and universities, the city's economy is developing rapidly, and residents are keen on cultural consumption. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage strongly supports Nanjing's development into a "city of museums". Today, the boom in mineral crystal collection will take advantage of the 2023 China Nanjing International Mineral, Gem and Fossil Expo.

Institutions gather and stars shine

In accordance with the overall planning objectives of the China (Nanjing) International Mineral, Gem and Fossil Expo, the China Ornamental Stone Association and the Nanjing Museum jointly organize the 4th summit forum - Museum Innovation and Development Summit Forum. The theme of the forum is "reform, innovation, openness, and sharing". The keynote discussion is: facing the future, how to make progress to stimulate the vitality of museums, promote cross-border integration, advocate the blooming of various themes, and jointly explore digitalization and create new cultural experiences and communication models. Follow A new model and new direction for museum development to demonstrate the great potential and power of museums to influence the human world.

Super Stars in the career all debut

This exhibition has reached a strategic cooperation with the American fashion mineral company, a giant in the mineral crystal industry, and invites foreign heavyweight mineral crystal collectors, miners and professional buyers to participate. At the same time, the exhibition has won the full support of domestic collectors and miners. Nanjing Expo will also be an industry event that attracts mineral lovers to learn and communicate.

Media matrix heavy support

The report of this exhibition will accurately cover the Yangtze River Delta region through Xinhuanet, Phoenix.com, Sina.com, Jiangsu Radio and Television Group and other leading media; major associations and well-known self-media, and the relevant content is expected to be broadcast more than 100 million times.

2023 China Nanjing International Mineral Gems and Fossils Expo

Looking forward to your visit!


King of Pednera   Size(cm):412043

Past Events



- Exhibits Profile -

Mineral、Fossil、Meteorite、Natural gemstones、Jade、Jewelry、Popular science specimenMineral related products

- Exhibition Events -

(1)Opening ceremony

(2)Museum alliance innovation and Development Summit Forum

(3)Mineral auction

(4)Science Popularization events

(5)Business dinner

- Buyer invitation -

(1) Companies and associations

Relevant association invitation from all China;Mineral and GEM companies around the world;Fan groups and collectors groups

(2) Student group

Through the preparation of the science popularization area, we have received the support of the local education department. We will invite students and their families in advance to make the scene more active and promote transactions.

(3) Other industries

Invite banks, insurance, real estate, financial industry and high-end clubs,stimulate high-end customers' interest in minerals and Gemstones

(4) Museum purchasing group

We will invite curators of local museums to participate in the booth to create a procurement platform.

(5) Public publicity

In addition to our targeted invitation,we will  bring more people through traditional media and Internet media publicity.

- Booth fee table  -
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- Booth distribution -


2023 China(Nanjing) International Mineral Gemstone&Fossil Expo



Nanjing University

China University of Geosciences,Beijing

China University of Mining & Technology,Beijing


Mineral Crystal Specialized Committee of VSAC

Jiangsu jiangwen Exhibition Ltd.


 Paleontology and Fossils Specialized Committee of VSAC

Meteorite Specialized Committee of VSAC

 consultation and design committee Specialized Committee of VSAC

 Collector's Edge Minerals Inc.



Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology,CAS

Germany Organizing Committee of Munich Mineral show 

The Arkenstone, LLC

Geological Society of Jiangsu Province,GSJ