Mineral crystal professional committee of China View Stone Association

Mineral crystal professional committee of China View Stone Association(hereinafter referred to as the "specialized committee") was established in Nanjing on December 27, 2015. It is subordinate to China View Stone Association. As a professional authority of mineral crystals in China, the special committee is committed to popularizing geological and mineral knowledge and giving full play to the role of mineral crystals in science popularization, scientific research, viewing and cultural creativity.

Since its establishment, the specialized committee has led the following activities with the strong support of VSAC:

1. Conduct research on mineral crystals at home and abroad, collect, sort out and analyze relevant data, publish industry dynamic information through various media platforms, and publish multiple sets of professional books and albums.

2. It has cooperated with Peking University, Nanjing University, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), China University of mining and Technology (Beijing) and other professional colleges to carry out professional research on mineral crystals, so as to provide technical support for the formulation of industrial policies and mineral crystal identification standards.

3. Integrate domestic and foreign resources, cooperate closely with international famous museums and mineral companies, build a platform for Chinese and foreign mineral crystal culture exchange, and hold various forums, activities and exhibitions. Three international forums have been successfully held, with nearly 100 activities. In 2020, it will jointly hold a special exhibition with Nanjing Museum, one of the three major museums in China. The first China (Nanjing) International Mineral gem fossil Expo will be held in Nanjing in 2022.

4. Set up mineral crystal appreciation, evaluation and training institutions, vigorously promote the formation of appraiser team, and have held two consecutive training courses for mineral crystal appraisers. By 2020, a total of 120 trainees have obtained professional appraiser qualification certificates, which has greatly improved the overall appraisal level of the industry.

5. Jointly build an academician station with well-known professional colleges and research institutes in China, cultivate professional research talents, jointly establish a mineral crystal research institute with Nanjing University, and actively promote the inclusion of mineral crystal aesthetics and mineral crystal application majors in the academic education system.

At present, the director of the special committee is Mr. Pengzhaoyuan, a visiting professor of the school of Earth Science and engineering of Nanjing University and a well-known mining expert. The senior advisory group is composed of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, geologists and well-known collectors at home and abroad. The deputy directors, directors and members are all over the world.
